Registration & Rates

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  Through 2/19/2025After 2/19/2025
Registration Rates   
Biomass Power, Pellet, Biogas, Advanced Biofuels, RNG, Waste-to-Energy, Renewable Diesel, Sustainable Aviation Fuel

+ Gift Card
*Renewable Diesel & Sustainable Aviation Fuel Producers — To receive complimentary registrations, please call us at 866-746-8385.
*Complimentary passes are only available for plant personnel from facilities currently in operation or under construction.

Full Conference $1,195.00 $1,395.00
Full Conference - Biomass Speakers $995.00 $1,195.00
Full Conference - Exhibitors 2 FREE/$895.00 2 FREE/$895.00
Exhibitors receive two free pass per booth. Additional full-conference passes can be purchased for $895 each.
This is a 34% discount from the full conference registration price. Call 866-746-8385 to get exhibitor passes.
Full Conference - Government* $995.00 $1,195.00
Full Conference - Student* $295.00 $695.00
Tuesday Only $795.00 $995.00
Wednesday Only $995.00 $1,195.00
Thursday Only $995.00 $1,195.00
Prices include all onsite events, sessions, expo hall, food and beverage
Add-On: Industry Tour
ElectraTherm Inc.'s Organic Rankine Cycle Manufacturing Facility
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Registration Types

Full Conference Registration
Full Conference Registration includes admission to all conference sessions (general sessions and breakout sessions), entry to the Expo, all meal functions, and speaker presentations (available online after the conference)
Tuesday Only – (March 18, 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm)
This registration includes admission to conference breakout sessions, entry to the Expo and all meal functions on Monday. Also includes Speaker presentations (available online after the conference).
Wednesday Only Registration – (March 19, 7:00 am – 6:00 pm)
This registration includes admission to conference sessions (general sessions and breakout sessions), entry to the Expo and all meal functions on Tuesday. Also includes Speaker presentations (available online after the conference).
Thursday Only Registration – (March 20, 7:00 am – 2:30 pm)
This registration includes admission to conference breakout sessions, entry to the Expo and all meal functions on Wednesday. Also includes Speaker presentations (available online after the conference).
Producer - Full Conference Registration
Biomass Power, Pellet, Biogas, Advanced Biofuels, RNG, Renewable Diesel Producer, Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Producer Registration includes admission to all conference sessions (general sessions and breakout sessions), entry to the Expo, all meal functions, and speaker presentations (available online after the conference).

*Note: If you are not given the producer rate when registering, please call 866-746-8385 to be verified. Complimentary passes are only available for plant personnel from facilities currently in operation or under construction.

Government - Full Conference Registration
Government Registration includes admission to all conference sessions (general sessions and breakout sessions), entry to the Expo, all meal functions, and speaker presentations (available online after the conference).

*Note: Valid government identification must be provided upon checking in at the conference.

Student - Full Conference Registration
Student Registration includes admission to all conference sessions (general sessions and breakout sessions), entry to the Expo, all meal functions, and speaker presentations (available online after the conference).

*Note: Valid student identification must be provided upon checking in at the conference.

Exhibitor - Full Conference Registration
Exhibitor Registration includes admission to all conference sessions (general sessions and breakout sessions), entry to the Expo, all meal functions, and speaker presentations (available online after the conference).

*Note: Exhibitors receive two free pass per booth. Additional full-conference passes can be purchased for $895 each.This is a 34% discount from the full conference registration price. Call 866-746-8385 to get exhibitor passes.

Media Passes
BBI International prides itself on making its events as "press friendly" as possible. With a helpful media support center and comprehensive event access, we make every effort to help facilitate the journalistic process. Complimentary press credentials are issued to reporters, editors and photographers in the working press, including trade journals. To receive a complimentary press registration, please submit request to:
Register Now

Marla DeFoe
Call 866-746-8385

Cancellation Policy

Requests for a conference registration refund must be submitted in writing to For cancellation requests received greater than or equal to 30 days prior to the event, a refund less a $100 service charge will be issued. No refunds will be issued less than 30 days prior to the event.

Contact Us

For questions regarding registration e-mail or call 866-746-8385.

All data and information collected at the International Biomass Conference & Expo is owned by BBI International. By participating, attendees, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors are in full agreement of these terms.
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